Why is my profile not publicly visible?
To make your profile on Filmmakers publicly visible, there are certain requirements and steps that you must follow:
Age and agency requirements:
- Age requirement: You must be at least 16 years old to make your profile publicly visible.
- Agency connection: If you are under 16, you can still have a publicly visible profile if you are connected to an agency on Filmmakers .
- Restricted profiles: Profiles of minors (under 16 years) or profiles without age/year of birth are always restricted and only visible to casting directors for security and data protection reasons.
Steps to change the profile visibility:
- Log in to Filmmakers and select the "User account" section in the menu, then "Contact & preferences"
- Scroll down the page to the "Display manager" section. Here you will see two options: "Profile publicly visible" and "Profile restricted visibility".
- Select the desired visibility setting. If you want to make your profile publicly accessible, select "Profile publicly visible". If you only want to make your profile visible to casting directors, select "Profile restricted visibility".